Hungerford Environmental Action Team
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Statement of Community Intent


Carbon Footprint




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Living Lightly

Green Exchange


Why not check out our 'Carbon Footprint' page .... ways to help cut back and how to calculate your impact (link).

  • Energy group:
    • We are looking at ways of helping households to undertake their own energy use survey and
    • Are investigating reliable solar thermal installation contractors.
    • The political situation keeps changing which is keeping us on our toes

If you would like to learn more about Energy and Conservation - why not consider taking a

Sustainable Energy Training Course

"Promoting a better use of energy                   
                  to counter climate change"

Energy or rather its consumption is synonymous with our modern lifestyle. Our modern lives as we live them today require large quantities of energy. It is not just how our individual lifestyles consume this energy but unfortunately there is an underlying increasing demand for the energy and its bi-products essential in order that the economy can to grow year on year. Our economy is no longer built on gold or precious metals but energy; the major question is can the supply and the consumption be sustained?

Whether in the form of fossil fuel, bio-fuel, renewables or nuclear the economy requires energy. Fossil fuels provide many bi-products such as fertilizers and plastics that is in addition to them simply being burnt to provide heat and electricity for our homes and factories; for instance our entire transport and farming infrastructure is a large consumer of chemicals the production of which is almost wholly dependent on fossil fuel nearly all of which is derived from oil.

The supply of oil and other fossil fuels is finite, that is what we have now is all we have, all that there will ever be, it can never be replaced, our children and grand-children will not have any unless we conserve what is left.

Even then, with increases in population it may only last to the end of the 21 st century. A further question we must face up to and answer is ‘What will replace the fossil fuels?’ (See and )

These two short films will give you the background to the current energy position and why we must change. These were made before energy became the political hot potato it is today.

Our main concern is for the conservation of energy consumed as fuels used in the Hungerford area for our homes, farms and factories. We will be working to reduce the effects of Greenhouse Gases emitted by these and helping people understand how reductions in energy use can be translated into real savings of money, the environment and the future.

We will also be working with the other groups such as Food, Waste and Transport in order to help them to consider the energy aspects of their activities. Let us leave you with these thoughts… Wow – what a great opportunity this is to change the way we live. Let’s look at how we can save money and do good for the environment at the same time! 

To find out more contact us at