Hungerford Environmental Action Team
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Statement of Community Intent


Carbon Footprint




Education & Employment

Landscape & Biodiversity




Living Lightly

Green Exchange

HEAT (Hungerford Environmental Action Team) evolved from concerns within the Town Council as to the growing impact of Climate Change and the necessity to deal with such in an effective way.

HEAT regards itself as a resource for the community and also an instrument via which ideas and initiatives to reduce the impact of the Hungerford area on climate change can be channelled and implemented.

We do not have all the answers.

A fundamental part of the process is to assess the degree of awareness and concern within the Hungerford community with respect to low carbon initiatives, and to understand how much of the community is already implementing change.

Swap Shop click image for more information.

What's On? ... click here for more info

FORAGING ......!!!!! Click here to see a map of foraging and scrumping (legally) opportunities.
Hungerford Freegle
Don’t throw it away – give it away!

You might not need your old sofa or wheelbarrow any more – but there might be someone just round the corner who does. Or if there’s something you’d like, someone nearby might have one that they might just throw away if they don’t know what else to do with it.
Freegle groups make this happen online. Sign up, post an OFFER of something you want to get rid of, or a WANTED for something you need.
Our aim is to keep anything reusable out of our landfill sites. Meeting new people helps to develop local community networks and friendships in the process.
We hope you enjoy freegling with the freegle community!
To join register via :

Establishment of HEAT

  • Increasing local and national concern about climate change
  • Showing of the Al Gore Film “An Inconvenient Truth” in the Corn Exchange
  • Town Council’s Environment and Planning committee regarded the issue of climate change beyond their remit with existing resources
  • Public opinion at the Annual parish Meeting last year

Aim of HEAT

  • To reduce the impact of the Hungerford area on climate change

Preliminary Target

  • To reduce the CO² emissions of the Hungerford area by 20% by 2011
  • To reduce the CO² emissions of the Hungerford area by 50% by 2016

General Approach

  • To be an inclusive partnership with
    • Community Groups, Forums and Markets
    • Schools
    • Businesses

HEAT Structure

  • Steering Group & Working Groups Comprising: