Hungerford Environmental Action Team
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Statement of Community Intent


Carbon Footprint




Education & Employment

Landscape & Biodiversity




Living Lightly

Green Exchange


    • Marketing
      • Our first stage is to introduce the HEAT concept using existing opportunities such as the Hungerford website, open door, local newspapers etc and information to schools and businesses.
      • Our second stage is Involve, that is deeper interaction with our schools and businesses and using central locations like supermarkets to reach the local residents
      • The third stage is Quantify the impact. We aim to do this possibly with a giant thermometer and maybe a pledge system.

Welcome to the Marketing Group.  We are the people who are concerned with the representation of  HEAT to the Hungerford community in all its diversity.  Our objective is to make HEAT accessible to all and in so do-ing, provide a reflection point for peoples concerns and a focal point for your ideas for improving the environmental footprint of our community.  Marketing interfaces with all the community whatever the environmental concern.  We need to know how we are percieved  in the town - whether you love us or hate us, and what we can do to better deliver environmental initiatives to you all.   

Promoted by the Town Council as the magnitude of the environmental issues now affecting our society has become increasingly obvious, and evolving in line with similar initiatives growing across the country, many of the ideas with which we are involved are neither new nor revolutionary, but are in line with, and natural extensions of, the Hungerford 2010 plan.  As with 2010, HEAT is for the community and working with the community.  We need your views and your input.   

Please contact us at