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Recipes: Apple    Artichokes    Beans    Berries    Broccoli    Carrot    Courgette    Elderflower    Game    Kale    Leek    Lettuce & Watercress    Nettles    Parsnip    Potato    Pumpkin    Spring Greens    Vegetable Cakes    

Leek Recipes

Leek and Lentil Risotto
1 tbsp olive oil
4 leeks washed and chopped
4 cloves garlic crushed
1 red pepper finely chopped
600 ml/ 1 pint veg stock
225g / 8oz / 1 cup white rice
225g / 8oz / 1 cup red lentils
salt & pepper
½ teasp dried basil
To garnish : 1 tbsp parsley 75 g / 3 oz finely grated carrots

Heat oil in pan and sauté leeks, garlic and red pepper until soft.
Add veg stock and stir in rice, lentils, s & p and basil. Bring to boil then reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 mins till rice and lentils cooked.

Garnish with fresh parsley and grated carrot to serve.

NB Brown rice can be used but cook it for about 25 mins before adding the lentils, then a further 15mins once lentils are in.

Leeks and Greens with Pasta
3tbs olive oil
450 g/ 1 lb / 2 cups washed and sliced leeks

2 garlic cloves crushed
900 g / 2 lb / 4 cups mixed greens chopped

Salt & pepper
450g / 1 lb pasta parmesan cheese to garnish
Any greens can be used - sprout tops, beet greens, chard, sprouting broccoli

In large pan heat oil and sauté leeks c 10mins till soft, add garlic & sauté 1 min. Add chopped greens & cook for another 6 mins till greens soft, season.
Meanwhile cook pasta according to instructions. Drain and mix in greens & leeks. Add 1 tbsp olive oil and sprinkle with grated parmesan.

Leek & Potato Soup
1 onion
1 tablespoon olive oil and a knob of butter
6 large leeks, chopped
3-6 potatoes depending on how substantial the soup, chopped
1 litre of vegetable stock
500ml milk
Salt & pepper
Sweat onion in oil and butter
Add leeks and potatoes ,cook for 5 mins
Add stock and simmer until veg are soft- 10-15 mins
Remove 1/3 (more for a smoother consistency or less for lumpy), mix with milk and liquidize to a creamy consistency
Return to pan and simmer
Add chervil or parsley just before serving and stir in grated nutmeg and cream

Baked Leeks with Goat’s Cheese
2 decent sized leeks cut into 4 inch lengths
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
400g / 14 oz goat’s cheese
175g / 5 oz butter
1 egg
1 tbs chopped chives
Place leeks in ovenproof dish and drizzle with oil. Bake for 15 mins at 180C
Pour off any water that has collected in the dish.
Beat the egg, butter and cheese to a smooth paste. Add salt, pepper and chives. Smooth paste over the leeks and bake under a hot grill till bubbling.

Leek Omelette
1 oz butter
2lb / 4 cups washed, chopped leeks
4 eggs
2 tbsp milk
salt & pepper

Fry leeks gently in butter in a pan till soft. Blend eggs, milk and salt & pepper in a bowl. Pour over leeks and cook till the bottom is golden ( 1 -2 mins). Turn omelette over and cook other side, divide into 4 and serve.

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